2017年4月7日 星期五


     I didn't book an English class today because I had lots of things to do. I went to the hospital with my dad in the early morning for he needed a blood test to make sure if he could undergo a treatment. We waited for a long time. The area of blood test is open at seven, and we usually arrive there at about 6:40, and then take a number from the numbering machine. Generally speaking, if we are lucky, we can get the number 4; if no, maybe number 7. But today, we got the number 17! I guessed it was because the hospital closed during Tomb Sweeping holiday.

     Last night, I didn't sleep well. There was a very annoying mosquito flying around me and I couldn't find it. I got up several times and turned on the light to kill it, but I failed. I even didn't know if I fell asleep last night successfully. I felt so exhausted after we went back home from the hospital, so I went to bed again. But I didn't sleep long for I had to prepare lunch, and my dad needed to see a doctor at 2 p.m.

     This was our first time seeing a doctor without my mom. My mom always prepares everything, and we don't have to worry about forgetting to bring any stuff. But this time was very different, I was under the pressure for remembering everything. My dad is applying the *Fentanyl Transdermal Patch to relieve the pain, and the patch is a *controlled medicine, so we need to return every used patch when we go back to the hospital. Also, we need to record the time we change the patches and the number of patches we use every time. We record them in a green form, and we have to return it back with used patches to a *pharmacist. If we forget to return used patches and the form, the pharmacist won't give us my dad's medicine, so it's very important to collect them well.

     My dad's blood report showed that his condition is good enough to undergo a treatment, so my dad needs to go to the hospital tomorrow for undergoing chemotherapy. We were happy to hear that. After home, my aunt gave me her prescription and asked me to help her take her medicine. Oh! Why did she tell me so late? I've arrived home! Anyway, I just left home again.

     On the way to the clinic, I saw my dad's favorite *omelet vendor standing beside the road, so I went in to buy an original flavor one. I *rejoiced to buy a delicious snack home, and I decided to buy one for myself as well, so I went to McDonald's to buy a combo.

     There was a heap of papers around my room... So, I spent much time collecting them and *transcribing all my notes during English classes into my notebook. It was a very demanding task... I think from now on, I should take notes in my notebook immediately after class.

*Fentanyl Transdermal Patch -- 吩坦尼穿皮貼片劑 (一種止痛貼片)
*controlled medicine -- 管制藥品
*pharmacist -- a person who is trained to prepare and give out medicines in a hospital or shop
*omelet -- 煎蛋餅 (or egg cake)
*rejoice -- to feel or show great happiness about something
*transcribe -- to record something written, spoken, or played by writing it down

