2017年4月9日 星期日


     I made my first video for teaching Chinese, and uploaded it on the fan page today. I felt so excited to share with my family and friends. I didn't care about the number of fans actually, but I really felt joyful to carry out something only by myself. It was an amazing experience. I spent my whole afternoon recording and editing the video like a professional editor, and I really appreciated that I had so many nice friends. They praised me so much, and they always gave me comments and suggestions.

     My father was in a very good mood and he was a little TOO excited. He got up so early, and started to plan what he could do today. Then, he came to my room to invite me to Mt. Pagua to go hiking. However, there were so many tour buses there, and my dad couldn't find a place to park his car. So, we just drove around the mountain and left. And then we went to Carrefour because my dad thought it was such a pity if we went home right away. We browsed through every kind of merchandise so quickly since we didn't have a shopping list.

     There is a free basketball *arcade game on the second floor of Carrefour, and we took turns playing it. My dad seldom played basketball now, so he felt exhausted after shooting again and again. We had a great time together.

     Now is very late, and I should sleep right away because I am going to join a wedding reception after seven hours. Good night.

*arcade game -- 街機遊戲

