2017年4月8日 星期六


     Since I had to accompany my dad to the hospital this afternoon, and I would join the meeting of the study group in the evening, if I'd like to have my English class, I could only take it in the morning. I got up early to preview part of A Christmas Carol for today's English class, and I finished my class at 7:30. Later, I went to have my breakfast, and I still had many things to do. I turned on my laptop to do the exercises of teaching past-exam papers in 2016, and reinvented a test paper for today's meeting.

     It was raining cats and dogs in the morning when my dad invited me to the gym to exercise. So, to avoid having a cold, my dad changed his plan. We went to an *electrical appliances shop to buy a *dehumidifier. The doctor suggested that we buy a dehumidifier because dampness is not good for our health, and it helps *germs *multiply rapidly.

     During chemotherapy, I kept hearing nurses talking and gossiping. They spoke ill of their mothers-in-law, and I felt a little embarrassed but they spoke so loudly that I couldn't stop hearing. They are very lucky, I think, to have colleagues to gossip with.

*electrical appliances shop -- 電器行
*dehumidifier -- 除濕機
*germ -- a very small organism that causes disease
*multiply -- to increase very much in number

