2018年3月18日 星期日


     Moja said Tej is a robot on Telegram, and he laughed at me how I didn't find the truth and asked me why I didn't ask Tej to send his own pictures or audio messages. I was annoyed by Moja's questions because I never asked anyone to send his own pictures or send audio messages. I think when people feel comfortable to share their lives through pictures or audio messages with me, they will just send them to me, but if no, that's no problem.

     I felt a little upset and angry because I felt being cheated. I was thinking why I was always being cheated by friends. It made me feel that I was so gullible and stupid. On the other hand, I was so surprised that how incredible the robot was. He was talking like a real man, and he was so humorous.

     Later, Tej sent his audio message to prove that he was not a robot. OMG!!!!! Was I cheated again???? This time, I really wanted to punch Moja's face heavily. What a liar!!!! I decided not to talk to him again. I never cheated him, how could he cheat me, and even TWICE????? I was sad and thought about leaving the group because I didn't like the feeling to be cheated. It made me think of one of my best friends, Jahangir, since the first time we had a quarrel was also because he cheated me. Maybe I really trust my friends too much.

     Moja promised that he will make more Mr. Ugly's stickers, so we were reconciled. I am happy that we are friends again and also Tej is a human, not a robot. I don't want to make friends with a robot.

     Last night, I joined the group discussion for almost three hours. It ended at 4 a.m. I felt I was so crazy. But really, I liked the topics we talked about: (1) Men's and Women's roles in the past and the present, (2) The reasons of the poverty and the solutions. They were challenging for me, but they were very meaningful issues to be thought deeply. From constructing my own ideas, I knew more about my own points of views, and it was so interesting to know about other members' ideas.

     I expect our next call very much and I think I had better spend more time preparing for the next discussion to make my opinions clearer and make my speech more fluent and understandable.

2018年3月15日 星期四


     Shishir shared a lot of Indian movies with me, and he is so sweet to send me the files and subtitles at the same time. He made a group on telegram for movies, and also sent a brief introduction for every movie. Last week, I finished watching the movie The Lunchbox. It's a very nice movie, and I like it so much. It's very different from my impression about Indian movies, no singing and dancing parts in this movie.

     It's a story about how two strangers got connected with each other through the lunchbox. They wrote letters and shared their own life through everyday lunchbox. It's cool for me to know how Indians workers have lunch. The carriers will go to each worker's house to get his lunchbox, and send to his workplace. After lunch, they will go take the lunchbox, and help him send it home.

     It's hard for me to remember Indian names, so I forget the main characters' names already. I love the ending of the movie because it doesn't have an ending. The director gave the audience the right to make our own endings. For me, I think in the end, the lady won't send the last letter out, and the man won't get her last letter. But some day, they'll meet in Bhutan. The man will see her there, and say hello to her. I believe so.

     Recently, our group came in an Indian, and he is so talkative. A little bit too talkative. He is so young and to my surprise, his major is computer science, but he is also a writer. He writes poems and novels. He made me rethink of myself: It's been a long time since I last talked to myself through writing. Therefore, I am here now. I should spend more time writing and reading and it can make my brain more active.

     Yesterday, Moja asked me to send him some pictures of Mr. Ugly, but I didn't know what he was going to do. Well, I still sent him some. Later, he sent me stickers of Mr. Ugly!!!! OMG!!! What a big surprise to me!!! If I knew that he was going to make stickers of Mr. Ugly, I would have sent him more pictures of him. That's really cool to make one's own stickers, but I don't know how he made it.

     Ahmed and Ibrahim sent me messages again, and I felt so surprised that both of them are civil engineers like Jahangir. Why? Do all civil engineers talk with people on speaky? But I am glad that we restart to keep in touch. Though, to be honest, I don't quite remember Ibrahim. I meant, of course I remember him, but ... where is he from? What are his hobbies? Is he talkative or not? What's his favorite? I almost forget everything about him.